

Supported exchanges

All supported exchanges

We are proud to offer our users a wide range of partner, certified, and supported exchanges. Our partner exchanges are official Gunbot partners, and we maintain direct contact with their teams to ensure seamless integration. You can find a list of these exchanges and their market types in the table below.

For those who prefer a more established trading environment, our certified exchanges have been supported in Gunbot for a long time, and you can expect high-quality API support. See the table below for a list of these exchanges and their market types.

Finally, we also support additional exchanges through the ccxt library, which provides access to even more trading pairs. While these exchanges may not have been fully tested, they offer spot trading alerts using our TradingView add-on. Please note that margin and futures support may not yet be available on these exchanges.

Check out the tables below for a comprehensive list of all our partner, certified, and supported exchanges.

Partner exchanges

Certified exchanges

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